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The Collective

The Collective

Students involved in 'The Collective' will experience working in one of the highest achieving Art departments in the country.

Today, The Collective has grown to be an exemplary demonstration of student initiative and capability, now operating as a self-run, highly developed organisation. Together, we put our skills as Art & Design students into practice, having held exhibitions attended by thousands of people, distributing over 7000 publications, and raised over £8000 as a successful business to fund our work.

Our aim has always been to connect and to inspire, consistently demonstrating the power of art in modern life. We explore topics relevant to not just ourselves but to everyone, everywhere.  Since the birth of The Collective in 2017, an ambitious array of topics have been explored by the 100+ people we have worked with.

Aside from The Collective publications, exhibitions, and events, The Collective Studio offers a service providing clients with an array of art & design services by request. Our Studio Manager will put together a brief matching a project, and our highly skilled students within the Studio will then work to fulfil the request to the highest standards.

With 20+ students dedicated to The Studio, and the resources of the Art Department at their disposal, we have the skills and the means to create an array of sophisticated, effective and professional design work, all for a reasonable fee. 

We offer these services for a variety of prices, with the money going solely towards funding the important work The Collective does.


You may also be interested in our most recent exhibition from our Art and Design students, the 'Creative Workers' Union' and related website, https://www.hccart.co.uk.