Student Council

Student Representative Committee (SRC) – the student voice

The SRC is a group of fifteen students who have applied to represent the student body. It is led by Chair and Vice Chair elected by the student group and interviewed by senior leadership.

The purpose of the SRC is to:

  • provide a voice for students
  • promote the values of the college
  • encourage students to participate in the community life of the college

The aims of the SRC are to:

  • continuously look at ways to further improve the student experience
  • gather feedback from students and provide ideas and suggestions to college leaders
  • encourage good communication between all members of the college community

The SRC will achieve this by:

  • meeting weekly to discuss relevant issues
  • maintaining regular contact with the SRC lead
  • attending relevant committee meetings in college such as: Health & Safety, Mental Health and wellbeing, Catholic Life and Ethos and Equality & Diversity 
  • hosting termly Tutor Group Rep meetings to help communicate key messages
  • being identifiable by wearing white lanyards
  • hosting termly drop-in sessions to gather student feedback
  • organising college wide events and campaigns such as Hello Yellow, Cultural Celebration Day and specific charity fundraising
  • being ambassadors for Holy Cross at relevant college and public events